67 () posted 1 year ago by MAGULQ 1 year ago by MAGULQ +67 / -0 35 comments share 35 comments share save hide report block hide replies
My mom, brother, leftist friends, etc.
I know I know.
You will say that doesn't make them leftist.
I will just say.
This is the reason why the label is shit.
Get rid of it. Change it to something new.
Blockchain is all about the decentralization of authority.
So I use that inside of your latest label. Yes, I am saying something similar.
I am saying the Leftist crap does nothing but pushes people into their corners.
That's how you know a label is crappy. When it gets people to become irrational.
What beliefs does your mom hold that classify her as a Democrat?
She believes the government has a role to help people. When I explained to her that I also believe the government has a role at the LOCAL level.
She agreed that would be better.
Left Vs Right is about how much power should our government have. She believes they need certain powers.
When I told her to think more about local government power vs the fed. She understand where I was coming from.
Most "leftists" simply believe the government has a bigger role.
What they are not being told.
Which government do you want to give more power to?
The "Fed"
The "Local"
When I argue that as we give more power to the fed. That's where abuse of power comes into play.
If you decentralize that power to the local communities.
The fed cannot implement a nationwide mask policy like COVID.
If more conservatives preach "Decentralization" or POWER.
I think more folks on the left would get a new perspective on what they believe.
The words "Left" vs "Right" indicates a Direction in space.
They are poor words to communicate how one feels about policy.
If you ask 100 people what those terms mean.
You would get various answers that are not consistent.
Left Vs Right can take on different meanings to different people. It's way to abstract in my view.
So she supports coercion.
Coercion on what?
Which policy are you talking about?
Here is a better question.
What do you think the role of government is?
And what makes it worse?
You have "Center-Left" and "Center Right".
It's a poor choice.
The question should be simple.
Who has the authority to handle what?
I would rather that authority become more localized.
the spectrum has degrees
Yes... and it's stupid lol.
You keep using it. I will call it stupid and fight to use better language.
Sorry.. we are at an impasse here.
I suggest you study Marketing and Sales to understand where I am coming from.