With the prevalence of ticks like I’ve never seen before, I started researching Lyme disease. This was never a concern when I was a kid; we played in the woods and tall grass all day without an issue. No one knew what a tick was.
I’m suspicious that disease carrying ticks have risen to the level they are at seemingly out of nowhere, but I have no proof other than my own speculation.
I did, however, discover some interesting parallels in my research about the disease. There was a vaccine that was released sometime in the late ‘90s and pulled from the market in 2002. It was called LYMERix. They site insufficient consumer demand as the reason for discontinuation. Interestingly, news articles from the time read almost identically to todays stories about antivaxxers spreading disinformation and that LYMERix was safe and effective. The so called disinformation spreaders were blamed for the lack of demand, when in reality people were having bad reactions to it just like today.
Here’s the kicker…the CDC’s website says Pfizer and another company are currently developing a new vaccine. Interesting when you reference that with the steep rise in disease carrying ticks over the last 5 - 10 years.
What is Lyme disease? Where did all the ticks come from? How do you treat Lyme disease? Antibiotics? Why is a vaccine needed for a treatable condition? Why do some people suffer long term, while others are cured? Why do the blood tests for Lyme disease often yield both false positive and negative results? Why are most doctors very poor at diagnosing and treating this disease?
I’d love to hear everyone’s collective knowledge on this.
Yes...all it takes is for one dormant spirochete to become activated again...it was probably 10 years after she had the initial bite...she was going through a divorce (stress)...we noticed that her speech became somewhat garbled...with some various other symptoms and upon doing some research I realized she was suffering a relapse...although not as severe as the initial symptoms...
Doing further research, I chose a different combination of alternative treatment centered around a product called Carnivora, an immune modulator and enhancer discovered in Germany...along with some vitamins and herbs such as astragulus...
She again completely recovered and 30 years later, after the initial bite, has not seemed to have any more relapses but there always is the possibility that there are still some spirochetes hiding away...it is easy to see how...undiagnosed...this could ruin a persons life...
Wow I had no idea. I’m filing this away in case I ever have to deal with it. I’ve only ever heard of antibiotics being used to treat.
Well...antibiotics are the traditional treatment so anything that naturally acts as an antibiotic would be effective...I just prefer alternative treatments when I can find the right things...do some reading online...it is all very interesting with lots of testimonies from people who have had lyme disease...it is very insidious...and you don't ALWAYS see the signature bullet...a lot of people probably have lyme disease and don't know it because it mimics other illnesses...
I believe it. I’ve seen it where the bulls eye doesn’t appear and doctors either write it off or misdiagnose. We need to get this country off of big pharma controlled “healthcare” and to a naturally driven, prevention and cure system.