Even as he warns about the very real danger the country is in, he makes this bold statement. Not "those who did it must be held accountable" or "Those who did should be held accountable" "We have to hold those who did it accountable".
Just "Will". "Will be held accountable".
That sounds pretty definitive to me.
Also, KEK.
Flynn tags three accounts in this tweet:
One, Mike Pence (in what I think is kayfabe but you decide)
Two, Obama (which I think is a very clear threat to Obama: You're going to go down for this. We know it was you who organized the Coup!)
Three, Tucker (which is tacit recognition that Tucker is now the biggest news guy in the USA)
Ive never seen thisassertion that Tuckers father was C_A. Ive heard he may be but not his father. Can you elaborate? Point us to something that corroborates?
"Those who did it will be held accountable."
Even as he warns about the very real danger the country is in, he makes this bold statement. Not "those who did it must be held accountable" or "Those who did should be held accountable" "We have to hold those who did it accountable".
Just "Will". "Will be held accountable".
That sounds pretty definitive to me.
Also, KEK.
Flynn tags three accounts in this tweet:
One, Mike Pence (in what I think is kayfabe but you decide)
Two, Obama (which I think is a very clear threat to Obama: You're going to go down for this. We know it was you who organized the Coup!)
Three, Tucker (which is tacit recognition that Tucker is now the biggest news guy in the USA)
My hope about Tucker.
He grew up and had children and want them to live in a good world, so he fights for that.
My worry about Tucker?
His father was CIA and what mission is his purpose?
We really do not know.
The apple does not fall far from the tree.
Ive never seen thisassertion that Tuckers father was C_A. Ive heard he may be but not his father. Can you elaborate? Point us to something that corroborates?
Yes, 100%. Tuckers father was president of voice of america for 5 years in 1990's.
Well documented.
Radio brodcast from countries we control over airwaves that reach over the borders of countries we do not control.
CIA runs it.
Actually like Tucker, but my radar is on high alert because of this.
Do not like or trust CIA at all and he comes from that community.
Thanks for the quick reply.