Sperry Reports Trump New Legal Will File Motion to Dismiss Charges 💥
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Just as Barnes was getting excited about this aspect in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxCDVOmGPlo
How, and why did the attorneys provide evidence of supposed conversations with their client? That relationship is normally sacrosanct, because the attorneys are supposed to represent their client, not sneakily testify against them. They certainly were idiots to summarily turn those supposed records over to a corrupt judge.
Did those attorneys take notes during their conversations with Trump, including noting down the <pop> noise? When did they take said notes? It would have been too obvious to take notes during their conversations, so must have been jotted down afterwards. In any case, we can't know, they could have been complete fabrications. Kind of seems in-admissible evidence to me, especially that of the body language, which most people don't even write down, when taking notes. These people are so stupid.
In my opinion, this whole thing is a giant distraction from what is going on in Biden's camp. They are thrashing.
Taking notes about what someone else says and trying submit those in court as discovery sounds like heresay to me.