"Be there—will be wild!" = true statement all right, but easily the most regrettable utterance of his entire administration, luring patriots into the Jan 6 sausage grinder - many now rotting in prison without trial or representation - for nothing
"The actual original name of the party is Democrat Party, not Democratic".
"Mexico will pay for the wall" - had that happened he wouldn't have had to fight for two years to get funding for the wall; anyway, he could easily have built it from Day 1 using military funding, because national security. Takes some serious mental gymnastics to get to 'Mexico paying for the wall,' an athletic feat the vast majority of Americans including Trump supporters are not equipped for. Hardly anyone actually believes Mexico paid for the wall.
"We will repeal and replace Fauxbamacare with SOMETHING MUCH BETTER" - the something much better was never revealed or even roughly sketched out for us
Four, out of tens of thousands of things he said.
That's it. Four. That's all I got.
As he has humbly admitted, he could be the cleanest human being who ever lived. :)
Yeah...... I'm as hardcore a Trump supporter as you will find - and I was extremely seriously considering making the trip to DC for Jan.6 - I mean very close to doing it - and I'm just so disappointed (to put it mildly) by his actions / inaction on that front.......
IDK what to even say.....
But Thanks for corroborating what I thought!
I NEVER say "always / never" etc; I like to leave wiggle room / fudge factor, so that should tell you how seriously & strongly I believe that Trump is pretty much NEVER factually incorrect.
IDK Man..... Trump is so wishy-washy, unsure, unsteady, lacks confidence....he's so mealy-mouthed & never makes any bold statements.....
LOL /s..... The 100% opposite is true; Trump LITERALLY only ever speaks TRUTH and FACTS.
How many times has he been wrong about anything?
IDK how he does it, but from pretty much any & all situations, statistics, etc, Trump is pretty much always 100% factually correct.
The only thing some people have against him is that truth can make some mentally ill freaks uncomfortable.
Truth doesn't care about your feelings.
I can only think of a few times he's been wrong
"Be there—will be wild!" = true statement all right, but easily the most regrettable utterance of his entire administration, luring patriots into the Jan 6 sausage grinder - many now rotting in prison without trial or representation - for nothing
"The actual original name of the party is Democrat Party, not Democratic".
"Mexico will pay for the wall" - had that happened he wouldn't have had to fight for two years to get funding for the wall; anyway, he could easily have built it from Day 1 using military funding, because national security. Takes some serious mental gymnastics to get to 'Mexico paying for the wall,' an athletic feat the vast majority of Americans including Trump supporters are not equipped for. Hardly anyone actually believes Mexico paid for the wall.
"We will repeal and replace Fauxbamacare with SOMETHING MUCH BETTER" - the something much better was never revealed or even roughly sketched out for us
Four, out of tens of thousands of things he said.
That's it. Four. That's all I got.
As he has humbly admitted, he could be the cleanest human being who ever lived. :)
Yeah...... I'm as hardcore a Trump supporter as you will find - and I was extremely seriously considering making the trip to DC for Jan.6 - I mean very close to doing it - and I'm just so disappointed (to put it mildly) by his actions / inaction on that front.......
IDK what to even say..... :-(
But Thanks for corroborating what I thought!
I NEVER say "always / never" etc; I like to leave wiggle room / fudge factor, so that should tell you how seriously & strongly I believe that Trump is pretty much NEVER factually incorrect.
About anything.
Except the 4 items you point out.
That's damn good.