I read something disturbing in YouTube comments. I copied it, so here it is. Shocking and hard to believe, but then again, that cake pictured above:
"I used to work in the lab department of a major inner city hospital. I had the records of basically all women visiting their gyno. Those records would show the number of pregnancies, abortions, and the number of children. It was an eye opener to say the least.
Almost every single woman had at least one abortion by the time she was in her early 20-22. The average was about 3-5 abortions by the time they hit 25. I would see a woman with over ten abortions almost every day. I remember this one woman was 28 with 31 or 32 abortions and 6 kids. That was the worst one I saw. After seeing this everyday for 2 years it angered me so damn much.
These women are using abortion as a primary birth preventive. It is appalling. To be frank, they should do a hysterectomy on women after their 3rd abortion. There’s absolutely no reason to need 3 abortions let alone 10 plus. Completely irresponsible and just plain cruel."
Hey you know how they love basketball...
At least it isn't a garbage can!!
I read something disturbing in YouTube comments. I copied it, so here it is. Shocking and hard to believe, but then again, that cake pictured above:
"I used to work in the lab department of a major inner city hospital. I had the records of basically all women visiting their gyno. Those records would show the number of pregnancies, abortions, and the number of children. It was an eye opener to say the least.
Almost every single woman had at least one abortion by the time she was in her early 20-22. The average was about 3-5 abortions by the time they hit 25. I would see a woman with over ten abortions almost every day. I remember this one woman was 28 with 31 or 32 abortions and 6 kids. That was the worst one I saw. After seeing this everyday for 2 years it angered me so damn much.
These women are using abortion as a primary birth preventive. It is appalling. To be frank, they should do a hysterectomy on women after their 3rd abortion. There’s absolutely no reason to need 3 abortions let alone 10 plus. Completely irresponsible and just plain cruel."
Canceled the downvote because salient point.
Cheers anon