Yesterday, I went in for my first ultrasound, being a new mom and all, I am excited af to bring another future patriot in this world.
I read the article that Dr. Kim wrote about the Vitamin K shot that actually does more harm than good for newborns. I cross checked it across multiple other sources with some pro vax and some anti vax. I did extensive research.
So guess what I found in the OB What to Expect packet? The very last bullet point listed is that vitamin K shot. Predictable lol.
That paragraph consisted of fear porn about cranial bleeding in newborns, and helps with blood clots, mothers can't supply their kids with enough Vitamin K, etc etc. Basically saying that if you don't give your kid this shot within 6 hours, they could die. You know how often that actually happens? 1.8 out of 100,000 newborns or .0018% (correct me if my math sucks here) of children. In the time span of 6 hours after birth, how do I know that I will even be lucid enough from the anesthesia to even comprehend what is going on with my child? How manipulative is the medical industry that they would do something so underhanded like jabbing my baby without my knowledge? I dont know anybody in any generation before me (mid 20s) that has ever had this shot. Cavemen didn't need this, so why does my kid? I didn't get it either!
So I played dumb (really should have recorded this), and asked the doctor about it and played it off like a sheltered and compliant new mom. She explained that fear porn, regurgitated it honestly. And had the nerve to tell me that anything not in the info packet is misinformation, and other parents get their anti vax research from "misinformation from Tik Tok."
How arrogant are these pharma fed docs that they shove down people's throats that they should be the only source of medical information? Have these motherfuckers not had the wake up call, that people are waking up to the massive malpractice that is the entirety of the health-"care" industry? I know a lot more people unwilling to trust their doctor's advice at face value because bullshit can come from anywhere. Basically tldr, if you question your doctor, you're being influenced by "misinformation." These people are stupid.
I don't personally care for Tik Tok, but i know there is some good info out there.
Also, I might switch hospitals if this bullshit keeps up. Advice would be nice, because i felt very disrespected for wanting to be actually informed of what goes into my precious child's body.
Is this true? I ask because I’m having my first child here in about 8 months. I plan on asking all of the same questions. But am I allowed to deny ALL shots/vaccinations for my newborn? Or does the hospital have a right to deny care if I do deny all shots/vaccinations? Located in Northern Virginia by the way if that helps.
They can deny you care I believe if you don't accept ANY shots. I'm not 100% on this
Or let me say, they will refuse you care though I don't think legally they should be able to.
I would look and ask around now while you still have time to figure out your options
True. My oldest daughter in Kansas City was refused care of she didnt vaccinate. The doctor used the excuse that the other patients didnt want to be exposed to unvaccinated kids in the waiting room.
She did find a different doctor. There are good ones out there.
If I were still in my childbearing years, I'd be using a midwife and I'd choose carefully. In my experience, the medical cartel is NOT to be trusted. Look at what they're doing with children and the transgender lie....butchery, genocide, sterilization, and depopulation agenda. Then there's what they did during the scamdemic.....absolute evil. Then there's the physician-induced some point, everyone will have autism; well, except for our overlords.
No they cannot deny care but they can make you sign disclosures. Also be prepared for the fight, have an advocate, a doula, a husband, someone that will step in. Always keep your baby with you. I have had two children with absolutely no shots, eye hoop, circumcision, nothing. It’s your right and your child. Also tell them you want your placenta. Otherwise they will steal the stem cells. I had my cord cut after it stopped pulsing and was done giving baby the rest of the much needed stem cells, which btw contain the coagulation a baby needs. This whole vitamin k crap started when they started cutting cords too soon. Probably so they could steal and sale the vital stem cells in the blood.
What did you do with your placenta? We saw the option of drying to powder and capsules to eat but wouldn’t that kill the stem cells anyways?
The stem cells belong to baby. Delay cord cutting. We planted an apple tree with the placenta underneath. One tree is Liberty and the other is freedom. My children will inherit the property and always know where there placenta is.
Southern VA here. Our oldest is currently on zeolite detox. #2 during peak coof we denied everything and my wife skipped the epidural, 18 hours from water breaking to delivery. #3 due in october, home birth this time. Coof hospital experience was ass.