No definition of "disestablishment" is provided. However, "disestablishmentarian" is provided.
disestablishmentarian - noun
a person who favors the separation of church and state, especially the withdrawal of special rights, status, and support granted an established church by a state; an advocate of disestablishing a state church.
2. of, relating to, or favoring the disestablishment of a state church.
Note that "disestablishment" is used in the second definition. Go figure.
One of the languages I learned was a South Pacific pigeon called Bislama (native to the Vanuatu islands). Because the language developed with limited words in a context of broader ignorance and illiteracy, they don't have native or original words or even concepts, so that what we call "computer" would be known as something like "big-box-with-a-picture-thing-that-counts-up-numbers-really fast"
That would be the standard term. So, long words? you betcha.
Side note: The bislama word for "us" or "we" is yumi (you-me). I love that lingo. Seriously. They have a lot of heart.
Haven't been there for a decade. Communist China (PRC) has been steadily infiltrating and garnering influence over all the Pacific Island nations, with more success with some than others.
I worked in most areas of Oceania during the noughties (2000's) but I haven't kept up, so I don't really know the current status quo.
Gosh I remember when antidisestablishmentarianism was all the rage.
That's interesting. antidisestablishmentarianism means -- opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England.
What does disestablishment mean?
No definition of "disestablishment" is provided. However, "disestablishmentarian" is provided.
disestablishmentarian - noun
adjective 2. of, relating to, or favoring the disestablishment of a state church.
Note that "disestablishment" is used in the second definition. Go figure.
Totally made up phobia. This should be on the Babylon Bee
Do you see the irony here?
Do you see the irony here?
supercalifra. . . OH I hate that song!
I am not afraid of long words, but I hate that one. It is not a real word.
The word itself carries an irony. That's my point. It's just like how government policies works.
Gadzooks. I thought it was just me. /s
One of the languages I learned was a South Pacific pigeon called Bislama (native to the Vanuatu islands). Because the language developed with limited words in a context of broader ignorance and illiteracy, they don't have native or original words or even concepts, so that what we call "computer" would be known as something like "big-box-with-a-picture-thing-that-counts-up-numbers-really fast"
That would be the standard term. So, long words? you betcha.
Side note: The bislama word for "us" or "we" is yumi (you-me). I love that lingo. Seriously. They have a lot of heart.
That's a crazy place now, no? I believe it is Chinese influence.
Haven't been there for a decade. Communist China (PRC) has been steadily infiltrating and garnering influence over all the Pacific Island nations, with more success with some than others.
I worked in most areas of Oceania during the noughties (2000's) but I haven't kept up, so I don't really know the current status quo.