Interesting Analytics regarding how the stacks up against other dot wins and TS etc...
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When I went to the site itself, and didn't follow the link, there was nothing about Israel on it.
The only thing I can think of to get to where you did is logging on with a VPN set in Israel, or logging on with an account associated with Israel, or following someone else's link who was based in Israel.
The sites they listed have been changed anyways... TS, Patriot, and several other sites we all know of...
I don't understand what you're talking about when you say the sites they've listed have been changed.
I see patriots, gab, TS listed in the "Other visited websites" section.
And under the section "Similar Sites & Competitors" it lists patriotsdotwin, communitiesdotwin, TS, gab, x22report, etc...
Odd, maybe my VPN was on, let me check again.