I would like Trump back in office as much as anyone, but what about the election fraud?
Is there a plan in place to prevent the Deep State from rigging the election again?
I would like Trump back in office as much as anyone, but what about the election fraud?
Is there a plan in place to prevent the Deep State from rigging the election again?
If election fraud has been around for a while...and we know it has...what was done in 2016 to allow Trump to become President?
BTW...I believe he won the election...and rightfully served...
Why could they not do the same in 2022?
I know many will say Trump is at least CIC...but our country is in terrible shape and only getting worse with no real leadership to speak of...even if Trump is CIC...what positive policy is being implemented...especially our borders...
I understand the sealed indictments etc...but the courts are slow and very often corrupt while our country is nose-diving into destruction.
Has everyone forgot about the book "The Last President" by Ingersoll Lockwood?
Also do any accept we are in the time of Tribulation?
What I have pieced together, we haven't had a non pre-selected President in perhaps 40 years, possibly more. Both "candidates" have been selected for the voters. Trump wasn't supposed to win the Primary for the Republican ticket. They probably never really believed that he would get that far. Once he gained momentum, they just needed to implement their contingency plan of ensuring the votes were "counted" in HRC's favor. The popularity and the number of votes were underestimated for Trump. The conventional methods of cheating were all implemented, however they were still coming short. The final safeguard they had in place was to flip the votes and manipulate the numbers via the networked Dominion and Smartmatic voting machines. What they didn't know was that their remote access to the machines was blocked by an unknown hacker or hackers that prevented them from changing the voting machines. I don't know who was responsible for the hacking of the hackers, but it was reported as not coming from within the US. It is believed that WhiteHats were the ones blocking their cheat. This is why the response after the fact by HRC and all of the DS was so insane, they were utterly shocked and in disbelief. They were certain of their control of the entire voting system. This forced them to do a full court press on the 2020 election and break out all the cheats and to go big. They were afraid the hack would be blocked again and were probably waiting to track whoever was going to block them from accessing the voting machines this time. The block never came, their over the top cheating was glaringly obvious and they were caught with mountains of evidence of all their various cheating methods. This is the only reasonable and logical explanation that I could come up with, based on the information that we have seen.
WHs have the ability to stop the electronic cheating. They did in 16, but not in 20.
Why...by the time we hit the precipice and win over the unbelievers the country is in the toilet and milliions of people are dead/injured by vaccines...where is the gain in that?
This is what bothers me top, yes trust the plan bit many ate dieing and many more are in bad shape