The “dropped” charges are the ones that were added after the Bahamas had agreed to extraditing SBF on the original eight charges. The Bahamas Supreme Court ruled that SBF must be allowed to challenge extradition on these additional charges before he can be tried on them. Rather than delaying everything to handle this new development, our feds said they’d go ahead with just the original eight charges that the Bahamas had agreed on.
Thanks for this much needed context. As for the rest will be plea bargained away…? Not an expert on any of this, I just feel like this guy and his mom we’re using this crypto platform to give money a bunch of swamp politicians. If the plea bargains implicate more swamp creatures i’m for it but the actions he took should deserve some time in prison
The whole story is here:
The “dropped” charges are the ones that were added after the Bahamas had agreed to extraditing SBF on the original eight charges. The Bahamas Supreme Court ruled that SBF must be allowed to challenge extradition on these additional charges before he can be tried on them. Rather than delaying everything to handle this new development, our feds said they’d go ahead with just the original eight charges that the Bahamas had agreed on.
Thanks for this much needed context. As for the rest will be plea bargained away…? Not an expert on any of this, I just feel like this guy and his mom we’re using this crypto platform to give money a bunch of swamp politicians. If the plea bargains implicate more swamp creatures i’m for it but the actions he took should deserve some time in prison
a lot of time in prison, imo.
So.. an overreaction rage-bait.
"A source close to the matter" made me laugh, who does "isource_news" have on the inside exactly?