I think you should give me some leeway here. While it may in this context not follow the most strict meaning of "a dog whistle" meaning to use a coded word that a particular group understands but not others. (Like a dog can hear a dog whistle but non-dogs can't) Still a person could be use a term like "fight back", or "time to go into the capitol" around person or persons with a predisposition due to circumstances whereby these terms would tend to be heard and acted upon more by one group than the other.
I think you should give me some leeway here. While it may in this context not follow the most strict meaning of "a dog whistle" meaning to use a coded word that a particular group understands but not others. (Like a dog can hear a dog whistle but non-dogs can't) Still a person could be use a term like "fight back", or "time to go into the capitol" around person or persons with a predisposition due to circumstances whereby these terms would tend to be heard and acted upon more by one group than the other.
I can agree with that. Always have. Thats something normal people will agree with us on.
I'm glad because I really made a stretch there to try and justify myself.