The first line in drop 4587 is a pretty straightforward message stating that the C19 narrative will disappear after the 2020 election. Anons deduced two reasons for this: either Trump wins and immediately begins exposing the truth about C19, or Dems win and discard the narrative as no longer necessary.
It was generally assumed that the second line meant there would be massive cyber and power attacks the day after the 2020 election (11.4 = Nov 4). This did not occur, even after it was blatantly rigged in front of the world.
Was Q actually telling us what the DS had planned for Nov 4 2020 if white hats prevented the steal as they had done in 2016?
What if there is another layer to the message, predicting the DS will use massive cyber and power attacks (communications blackout) to disrupt the 2024 election which falls on Nov 5?
Double meanings do exist. So, I will add, that 11.4 is a chapter from the Law of War manual. It's about Military occupation and what that entails.
Here's chapter 11. Some of the pages are blank when scrolling through on mobile. Just keep scrolling. Also, Q has mentioned 11.3 in drops as well.
Came here to say same. The DOD Law of War Manual 11.4 - Legal position of Occupying Power
Possible, I'm too smooth brained
Doesn’t 11.4 refer to law of war?
yes. I believe it does have to do with the law of war.
I don't think they're going to allow a 2024 election. There will be a pandemic or fire or some shit that keeps everyone home.
"oh well. google says biden would have won anyway, and google is usually right because of their ai. let's just listen to that. all hail carbon rod!
you will still have an election its just that everyone will have to use ballots or digital or delay it etc.
Other than a full scale EMP or nuclear attack im not sure what would be big enough to cancel a national election.
Not sure about everyone else, but that would cross my "line in the sand" for enacting the 2nd.
The Trump Vaccine was the C19 narrative kill start imo
Q is correct again.
The only issue is that we have to figure out what Q meant. Or means. Or what Q will mean.
Time travel is weird.