Democrat Rep. stating Trump Should Be Shot. She Should Be Arrested Today! Treasonous Snakes.
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
DemoLib Rep. Plaskett has finally said their quiet wish out loud. But will she be arrested or held responsible IF anything happens? Not yet I’m sure. She’ll probably get a Biden Medal first, before she faces gallows at GITMO. Luckily it’s now clearly recorded, and she can be held responsible as a call for violence if DJT is attempted to be assassinated or is. This lady just provided her own legal rope!
Such a vile creature. They are getting desperate. This ukraine and russia war?
It has exposed our entire military as a joke.
Russia sends 100 suicide drones to take out our newly placed patriot missle defense systems and those patriots blow their load.
Guess what? Russia then sends in a few hypersonic dagger missles and game over.
2 of our newly placed 1 billion a piece systems wiped out in 2 minutes.
Our military is a shit show.
We are not fighting guys in caves that got their hands on rpgs.
For the first time in our history, we are fighting a modern military with space, air and land capabilities and getting our asses handed to us.
Everyone in the Pentagon needs removed today.
Everyone in the military rank colonel and above, removed today.
Every defense contractor? All senior executives need to be moved to Gitmo.
Do y'all realize?
Let me explain how messed up our defense community is.
Fuck you, Lockheed.
Our F-35 is an albrotross. It works against people in middle east living in caves, but guess what?
If it ever engages Russians with an FOB.
The Russians can EW that plane without firing a shot and it drops from sky like a rock.
Wonder how many of our pilots are aware of that?
This is scary. Truly scary.
Oh, it gets worse. Our carrier battle groups cannot currently protect the carrier from a hypersonic missle attack.
China, Russia and from latest intel, even Iran, can wipe out one of our carriers.
We do have a technology to combat it, but it is so bogged down by bureaucratic BS.
Many companies have developed the tech, but a lot of douchebag military and politicians with their hands in the cookie jar.
We need to outfit our Aegis Cruisers with lasers.
Only way we can 100% guarantee against these new missiles.
Political and military hands in that cookie jar.
We must rethink the purpose. At the end of day?
Keep America and our men and women safe!
Anything else?
Fuck off.
If trump is indeed cic maybe we are sending them old equipment to get rid of that stockpile? Just a thought...especially since it is a show?
None. None of them are aware they are absolutely fucked by the Russians. None of them know their planes are so vulnerable. Somehow you know though.