That was an excellent trip down memory lane!
It was a little bit of reassurance for those of us who have been in it so long we've forgotten some of the big plot twists, as well as an explanation for newbies of one of the bigger events we were privy to due to Q.
Now do the one where everybody thought there was gonna be WW3 with North Korea but Q already told anons that Trump made a deal at the Forbidden City in China and we should all plan for a peace conferencen with Rocketman instead.
Or the one about the fake chemical attack in Syria, then Trump responded by bombing the snot out of Syria yet somehow the next day we found out nobody got hurt.
Maybe the blatant dog comms at the death (or possible capture) of the leader of Isis? The explosive assassination of General Solemeini that the Iranian government simply shrugged it's shoulders about and went on with its day?
Man I could go on and on. It's been a crazy 7 years of smoke and mirrors - I'm just glad that Q and you wacky anons managed to help me gain a little bit of insight into it all. Steady the course!
That was an excellent trip down memory lane! It was a little bit of reassurance for those of us who have been in it so long we've forgotten some of the big plot twists, as well as an explanation for newbies of one of the bigger events we were privy to due to Q.
Now do the one where everybody thought there was gonna be WW3 with North Korea but Q already told anons that Trump made a deal at the Forbidden City in China and we should all plan for a peace conferencen with Rocketman instead.
Or the one about the fake chemical attack in Syria, then Trump responded by bombing the snot out of Syria yet somehow the next day we found out nobody got hurt.
Maybe the blatant dog comms at the death (or possible capture) of the leader of Isis? The explosive assassination of General Solemeini that the Iranian government simply shrugged it's shoulders about and went on with its day?
Man I could go on and on. It's been a crazy 7 years of smoke and mirrors - I'm just glad that Q and you wacky anons managed to help me gain a little bit of insight into it all. Steady the course!