"There was a massive purge of competent, Constitution loving, field grade and general officers under the Odumba administration; and the vast majority of remaining officers in the military are traitorous, compromised, twice used douchebags.",
somebody's going to get butt hurt level bravo. Wouldn't that be a shame? As we say here in the South, bless'em.
I think we'd be better off without generals who get their fee fees hurt from social media posts.
Soooo, if I say something like,
"There was a massive purge of competent, Constitution loving, field grade and general officers under the Odumba administration; and the vast majority of remaining officers in the military are traitorous, compromised, twice used douchebags.",
somebody's going to get butt hurt level bravo. Wouldn't that be a shame? As we say here in the South, bless'em.
Very likely fren.
Sigh. Well I guess this means no more mean tweets.
Milley is a fat transsexual faggot. Is that mean?
No it is not mean because you are just stating the facts.
Can't argue that.