He had to of flipped. The consecutive blunders mixed with pure magic are improbable. Highest sensitive info ever on laptops, handed to some 'dude' local repair shop. Oops I forgot them. Local Repair Dude claims ownership, sees the nefarious dealings, and somehow bobs n' weaves around contacting deep state agents (fully unaware) about what's on these shits and manages to hand it off to secure White Hat operatives.
Someone wake me up when we get to the "gallows" portion of the movie
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
Personally I’d bet on them having another reason to clam up and stonewall giving out information prepared.
They DO!!
Because the investigation remains OPEN.
They came out within hours claiming they were still investigating.
Ah, but I don't think this is the only investigtion....
On Inauguration Day we heard him say that he had made a deal when he was talking near that hot mic.
He had to of flipped. The consecutive blunders mixed with pure magic are improbable. Highest sensitive info ever on laptops, handed to some 'dude' local repair shop. Oops I forgot them. Local Repair Dude claims ownership, sees the nefarious dealings, and somehow bobs n' weaves around contacting deep state agents (fully unaware) about what's on these shits and manages to hand it off to secure White Hat operatives.
They actually said the investigation into hunter would continue - likely for this very reason.