Catherine Austin Fitts : "we’re in a war!"
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We've been at war since the garden of Eden, brother.
Having studied all this shit extensively for 35+ years, I can tell you - after digging around in every facet of our world - from religion, the metaphysical, to politics, to our food and diet, to big oil/pharma, secret societies, history and the lies told to us - you eventually come full circle back to where you started with wiser eyes and ears.
You finally get that we're in a war between good and evil and always have been. You no longer brush off things as fantasy and myth. It's real... and the only logical conclusion after you've observed and collected all the facts.
For some reason this morning I was reminded of my baptism (which I don't remember) and confirmation: I reject satan and all his works... and his minions azazel and gadreel. All those bastards and their offspring.