"WE ARE THE NEWS NOW." was not just a vague statement to reassure Anons that our opinions will grow in popularity. Q knew damn well that faith in the MSM would plummet and they made it part of the Plan.
Twitter was an integral part of this operation. Without it we would have still been relegated to 2nd tier comms. People are reading about reality now, and it is being validated in near real-time. No longer 1-2 years, then 6-12 months, then 3-6 months, etc... we're in the 24-48 hour accuracy window now.
Think about that.
Information literally shapes reality for the masses. They are now beginning to see just how wrong they were. COVID was merely a teaser to prime their brains for the ability to question other narratives.
I believe the demolition will be timed with an accelerated inverse implosion of all MSM narratives. Reverse chronological order to connect it all and illustrate how Trump was 100% vindicated in his claims; even the most outrageous.
Good, like "unvaccinated" I absolutely reject that label "cis", it is insulting, marginalizing and demeaning, everything they claim to be triggered by
Patriots need to go OFF when they label us with vicious hateful divisive slurs like "cis" and "unvaccinated". It's a slur intended to divide our American society along yet another artificial dividing line. The shit they demanded you pump into your body is not a "vaccine". So, they need to quit gaslighting and lying and slandering you for being "unvaccinated"; you aren't unvaccinated anyway; you've likely had polio vax and a number of other actual vaccines.
And, you aren't a molecule; so you aren't "cis" for being a normal heterosexual, just because some purple-haired fruitcake with a mental disorder decides you are. Cis applies only to molecules, not to humans; applying it to people is intentionally DEHUMANIZING. Do NOT let them blithely dehumanize you.