Google has been compromised for so long, and now duck duck go is also over taken. Where do we, as regular internet users go for real info? I’m just trying to verify the Q drops post and every step I get an internet obstacle. It’s honestly frustrating but also very telling that info related to the drops is stifled.
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I remember when we had to use different search engine for different things. Infoseek, Altavista, Lycos, Excite, and even AskJeeves, before Google came in and bulldozed everything.
Internet was a DARPA project. There was never a time they did not take interest in it. They created it.
Absolutely. I feel bad for anyone that didn't get to experience it. Completely different experience back then. Complete freedom and raw innovation.
Re: DARAP: Fair point. I guess it depends on whether you think the military was compromised then. I was giving them the benefit of the doubt.
ARPAnet became DARPAnet.