I myself was without power until sunday afternoon, and I live right near the local hospital if that tells you anything. Some people still don't have power.
I literally just got this email from a state congressman informing me about "cooling centers " where residents without power can go to get relief from the heat (it was literally over a hundred degrees yesterday when I got to work if that tells you anything)
Dunno how useful it is, but it's interesting that the story has been basically ignored by the mainstream press that an entire swathe of one of the most populated states isn't a bigger story than it is...
Buddy of mine and another family member live in a suburb of Tulsa and just got their power back on.
I agree, these storms don't get the national attention they should have.
I think CBS covered one or two, but neither of the ones we are talking about. It appears we had a large rash of storms that are only being covered locally.
kinda makes me wonder if, strategically, the climate change narrative is a dud at the moment...otherwise, you'd think it'd be wall-to-wall coverage...