477 The Man, The Myth, The Legend, Putin Introduces Forced Chemical Castration for ALL Pedophiles in Russia 👏 (thepeoplesvoice.tv) 🔍 Notable posted 1 year ago by DiveAndBait 1 year ago by DiveAndBait +479 / -2 Putin Introduces Forced Chemical Castration for ALL Pedophiles in Russia - The People's Voice Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced plans to chemically castrate all pedophiles in Russia and execute those found guilty of the most heinous forms of child abuse. 90 comments share 90 comments share save hide report block hide replies
...until you read of all the child abuse/rape perpetrated by pastors, bishops, and the like.
No. Death is the way.
Pastor, bishops, and the like have nothing to do with God. God can heal anything but that does not take away from the horrific crime against children......millstone.