posted ago by Francewhoa ago by Francewhoa +33 / -0

CIA fooled Nixon into creating the JFK proxy-murder strategy

According to Lamar Waldron, Richard Nixon, in 1960, as 36th Vice President of the United States, was fooled into creating this murder strategy above. Which was use by the CIA to kill JFK in 1963. As an October surprise.

The Mafia used this murder program to both:

___• Kill JFK

___• Cover-up their murder

The CIA forced high public-servants to cover up their JFK proxy-murder

___• Source:

______• 30 seconds summary starting at 15m20s at https://youtu.be/9fs-lBp2WXs?t=926

______• https://youtu.be/dYvbr_QgEgk

JFK was KILLED BY THE CIA using Mafia assassins

According to Lamar Waldron, President JFK was KILLED BY THE CIA. Who fooled, then used the Mafia as assassins.

The CIA's fooled Mafia team included, but was not limited to:

• Carlos Marcello. Who was known as The Godfather and "The Little Man".

___• Photo & wiki:

______• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos_Marcello

______• https://archive.ph/vlReP

• Santo Trafficante Jr. Who was among the most powerful Mafia bosses in the United States. He controlled organized criminal operations in Florida and Cuba.

___• Photo & wiki:

______• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santo_Trafficante_Jr.

_________• https://archive.is/sdScK

______• https://mafia.fandom.com/wiki/Santo_Trafficante,_Jr.

___• Sources down below

Full Sources & Details



Published by Counterpoint

Jun 11, 2013

816 Pages

ISBN 9781619021624