Aussie censors threaten Elon with hefty fines if Twitter doesn’t stop “online hate”.
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Glad to hear it, mate.
I noticed something. We aussies tend to get prickly when our overseas cousins slap labels on us or make comments about us which we know are based more in hearsay than in experience. At least, I do. Which is why I tap out a 500 word comment in response to a 6 word comment! <sheesh>
In general, the yanks tend to have a certain view of what things are like here, and they almost always going to the extreme, like every single person was thrown into a concentration camp (not true) and kids were being kidnapped on the street (not true), or like the aussies are all sheep and are dead asleep (not true). Every house has a kangaroo (not true), and every aussie is Paul Hogan (or used to be)(not true).
I do like it when, however, some of our more vocal anon commentators (out there doing podcasts, etc) recognize that a lot of the aus anons are really switched on anons, that some of us are really well and truly based.
exactly, but i still tell everyone i ride a kangaroo to work lmao.
Infighting between the populace of nations based on information derived from the attack of globalism in each nation ruffles my jimmies.