posted ago by checkmateanon ago by checkmateanon +15 / -1
  1. Sub controlled by PlayStation controller= GameStop Stock - 2 Bestbuy LED screens control it ? Really ? DFV GameStop hero 2 screen setup
  2. titanic disaster started fed , sub disaster ends fed ?
  3. CEO’s name Stockton = stock market
  4. risk of sub quality, CEO talk of risk = naked shorting GameStop infinite risk - why play the game if you know if infinite risk ? CEO (KEN Griffin) plays high risk games despite consequences ?
  5. 17 bolts - 33 visits to titanic wreck site by key player - comms overload

Is this whole thing signaling to cabal that GameStop MOASS is inevitable and zero sum game ?

Parts Of this story with gaming controllers and no safety redundancy checks seem superstonk odd…..MOASS Soon