Deliberate Externally-Imposed Lifespan Reduction Without Informed Consent:
I don't think anyone recognizes how bad the situation is. If we believe Dr. Bhakdi's mechanism of action of the shots, and the confirmation of his mechanism by the autopsies, then anyone who has received a functional vaccine (one that works as intended) will suffer tissue and organ damage to some extent.
This will result in a reduced lifespan, the amount of reduction depending on:
the amount of damage from the shot,
the recipient's genetic makeup, and
residual damage from toxic exposures and a toxic lifestyle.
If we define murder as deliberate externally-imposed lifespan reduction without informed consent, then essentially everyone who received a functional vaccine shot will have been murdered!
This could be many tens of millions in the USA alone, by the time it all plays out and a full accounting can be performed.
Further, as Dr. Bhakdi points out, any mRNA vaccine that results in the expression of a foreign protein on the surface of a "self" cell will have a similar effect to that of the COVID-19 mRNA shot.
So, anyone who dodged the bullet by receiving non-functional COVID-19 vaccines could still be impacted if they receive functional flu vaccines or any other vaccine with the same mode of action.
Doctors' Data (found on Makow website)
More important than many people realise, thanks for posting this.
If you've noticed those around you starting to look very aged, and grey or washed out looking, there's a very real reason for it!