Your derogatory use of 18 months of service, a medical discharge and stateside service as something somehow not be or feel proud about is a bad take.
Yes, you can dick measure your service but not everyone can be a multiple combat tour Special operator without the fellow service men and women back home doing what they do.
Maybe focus on the wrongful use of service as a shield of criticism instead of trying to put a qualifier as to what a low, unworthy level or whatever you’re trying to say this kind of level of service might be.
Huge grifter photoshops many if not most pics (with CIC with pocket knife and women missing a foot ) cmon Derek oh how’s Charlie Ward
Folks he’s grifted his way on to a the scene many have spoken out —> no comments allowed besides on his twatter - blocked off all sm calling fraud ass out
One 19 yr active enlist did a bunch of YouTube on him need to locate but here’s Charlie …nuff said
Come on scene bam show docs and w all can locate read for ourselves ..brag has clearance (??) while not completing one full enlistment (??) seriously anyone have his CO or locale with service ? Can’t find it …they all do same come out of nowhere and have numbers pumped by above tier grifters like Jaco and Ward - sick of them
Your derogatory use of 18 months of service, a medical discharge and stateside service as something somehow not be or feel proud about is a bad take.
Yes, you can dick measure your service but not everyone can be a multiple combat tour Special operator without the fellow service men and women back home doing what they do.
Maybe focus on the wrongful use of service as a shield of criticism instead of trying to put a qualifier as to what a low, unworthy level or whatever you’re trying to say this kind of level of service might be.
Huge grifter photoshops many if not most pics (with CIC with pocket knife and women missing a foot ) cmon Derek oh how’s Charlie Ward
Folks he’s grifted his way on to a the scene many have spoken out —> no comments allowed besides on his twatter - blocked off all sm calling fraud ass out
Come on scene bam show docs and w all can locate read for ourselves ..brag has clearance (??) while not completing one full enlistment (??) seriously anyone have his CO or locale with service ? Can’t find it …they all do same come out of nowhere and have numbers pumped by above tier grifters like Jaco and Ward - sick of them
He posted these ..needs some work Derek