Fake photos of demonic statues stir up controversy for Hobby Lobby
A new controversy has been created for Hobby Lobby, the company that went to the Supreme Court to defend its decision not to fund the abortion industry, and it's because of artificial intelligence.
What are you going to do when Wally World controls the industry along with Amazon?
Are we just asking random questions now? Ok I’ll bite. I’ll keep doing exactly what I’m doing now. And sticking with my “don’t buy Made in China” protest as best as I can. The same thing I’ve been doing for 10 years. I’m pretty sure I don’t need decor and house trimmings from Hobby Lobby to get by.
If you lived in China, and every product was made in USA…who would you think owns your country? What to help your country, stick to buying American as best as you can, or maybe do without. It’s just a “Live Laugh Love” sign, you’ll be fine without it.
One of Walmart's practices is to find new products to put in stores. These products are built in the USA, but after a while, the companies must offshore production if they want to stay on Walmart's shelves.
And that’s when I stop purchasing those. As a company I would make less money to keep American jobs. Everyone doesn’t fight for America with a rifle. You can do it with your wallet as well. But I’m an old fashioned fella.