posted ago by Narg ago by Narg +55 / -0


Some of the details you already know; some I'd not seen before. An excerpt:

This slide (one of several; see link above) of Dr. Martin’s presentation SCREAMS crimes against humanity being committed by almost EVERY Western Nation in the pursuit of a DEPOPULATION AGENDA.

COVID Timeline starts in 1965. (Population Control Agenda begun)

Ehrlich’s Book THE POPULATION BOMB published in 1968. (Narrative Seeding)

World Economic Forum is formed in 1971. (Implementation Agent)

US Corona Bat Virus sent to Britain to INFECT HUMAN VOLUNTEERS. (GoF via passaging) in 1967

PFIZER! Patents 1st Spike Protein Vaccine in November 2000. (Wait! WHUT?)

The mRNA “Vaccine” Model is PATENTED as a biological WEAPON in April of 2002.

CDC files PATENT on COVID “isolated from Humans” in April of 2003.

(That patent is deliberately posted to mislead. As these Jackals began immediately attempting to finesse these viruses into JUMPING from animal to human in research called SPILLOVER POTENTIAL)
