The MSM is in full spin cycle on this one, LOL!! They were had by Putin! As we watched this unfold and called BS from the jump, the MSM was putting it front page "Putin is finished!" Now they're walking it back but still spinning it as Putin is scared and knows his days are numbered. This was all an OP, and we knew it, and the normies might want to reconsider their sources.
The MSM is in full spin cycle on this one, LOL!! They were had by Putin! As we watched this unfold and called BS from the jump, the MSM was putting it front page "Putin is finished!" Now they're walking it back but still spinning it as Putin is scared and knows his days are numbered. This was all an OP, and we knew it, and the normies might want to reconsider their sources.
Personally I love each days "How PsyWar Savvy Are You?" diagnostic tests, especially now that the results come back so quickly.
"Future proves past" ie the accuracy of past guesses, used to take YEARS. Now it takes HOURS.
Perhaps weve accelerated to Warp Speed?
Them trying to make this seem like an L for Putin is hilarious. Low IQ propaganda.