I used to dismiss https://www.ingersolllockwood.com/ but now I think it could be hugely important.
Used to think "it's all part of the show" was exaggerated and silly, but now I find myself wondering if white hats have their hand in nearly every major news story.
Going the other way...
I'm embarrassed to admit I followed Lin Wood during the first part of 2021. Now certain he's a fraud.
Until late last year I was convinced the military was about to roll in anytime a big story broke. Now I see that sort of thinking as counterproductive hopium that leads only to chronic letdown and fatigue.
If this thread catches on I'll come up with more.
I may be wrong, and he did not answer, but I assumed when he said disappear he didn't mean end abruptly behind the plane as it traveled.
I think what he was referring to was actually how some disipate quickly verses some linger for a long time.
Air and water stratify on temperature. That could account for why some contrails last a long time and others seem to disperse quickly. I haven't bought into the chemtrail thing, nor totally dismissed it. I suspect it might just be another FE type diversion to make us look like idiots. I just don't know enough about those type things to make a call, yet.
At cruise, planes get stacked generally from flight level 29 - 39. That's 10k feet of the stratosphere, and we can see levels with conditions that allow trails to persist stacked on layers that don't, plus a lot of 'roiling' or mixing between the layers that create boundaries which would allow the stop and start behaviour all the time.