Sometimes I wake up in absolute disbelief that my government is trying to kill me. Other days, it’s just on with the show.
But this is the summer of pure dismal. It rains everyday in many places—here and where loved ones live. I’m of the opinion the bastards control the weather.
The smoke from the Canada fires are bad where I live today and it’s making my mother in Hospice worse because she’s not getting enough oxygen to her brain. She has a lung disease and is dying. The smoke doesn’t help. It makes her delirious.
And word is today that malaria, of all things, is active in Florida and Texas. Gee, what a surprise. Let’s get those red states! Bring on the malaria, boys!
Florida is being punished on a daily basis, with high insurance, skyrocketing housing costs, and now Malaria. Really biblical weather in South Florida this summer where my daughter lives with Noah-like rain and crazy thunder for weeks.
Dengue fever in Peru spreading there from Brazil and Gate’s mosquitos. And I could go on, but you know the news.
I’m just fed up tonight. My brother, who is awake, called, and we were marveling at all the chaos. We decided we just have to be strong every single day. Stay ahead of the blues. Fight to be happy. Carry an umbrella. Sing in the effing rain.
Someone already beat me to it. Ivermectin for the malaria and you can also get quinine in homeopathic strength.
Now, oxygen problem, you might need to use a portable.
Natra-Bio carries a Leg Cramp formula with Quinine Sulfate in it...the homeopathy is Chininum Sulphuricum 4X.
Cinchona Officinalis is the homeopathic Quinine...Boiron carries this in different strengths...usually 200X or 30X is recommended...
Thank you, Tweety. I have purchased Cinchona before, just couldn't think of its name. I just know it as quinine.
I have some on hand as well...but you will notice in the article other remedies can be used...all based on symptom picture, of course...
Leg cramps?
You are quite welcome to scoff and sneer at this, a vintner friend of mine gave me some used champagne corks with instructions to put them under my mattress at the foot of my bed to stop the cramps.
He said it doesn't matter if you believe this or not, it works. And it does, I have not had any leg cramps since I did this. Everyone I tell about this tells me its horseshit, but why try it and have a wonderful nights sleep as a consequence.
A disclaimer, I do not work for Mouton Rothschild, Tattinger, Bollinger, Mumm or any others, I like Tiger Beer.
I NEVER scoff or sneer at natural remedies...I have used/done some very weird things in my life...
Thank you for this information...actually cork is used under a mattress to protect from some of the energy of the ley lines of the earth...adding informative article...hope you enjoy...and I will certainly give this a try...I don't have champagne corks but I have wine corks and I actually have some sheet cork used in a craft project...
Sheet cork isn't good for this, the cork has to have been under compression for it to work, the longer its been under compression the better it works, if you could post what you found on here?
Dilute it even more, and it will be even stronger! I told my wife (who believes in the homeopathic theory) that she should get a drop of seawater, which contains virtually every element on earth, dilute one drop into a gallon of spring water (or distilled), and then she would have the most powerful homeopathic liquid on earth :)
In theory that really sounds great...BUT...the initial dilution is one part substance to 10 parts water/alcohol (1:10 or 1X), or one part to substance to 100 parts water/alcohol (1:100 or 1C) or one part substance to 1,000 parts water/alcohol (1:1000 or 1M). The solution is succussed (shaken or pounded), then a drop of the solution is diluted again 1:10 or 1:100 or 1:1,000. So you can see it is a process...we used to eat seaweed chips so they probably were very good for you...
I was being sarcastic on the dilution theory. The idea of something being more effective because it is even more diluted just doesn't make sense, other than a deadly poison being diluted low enough to prevent the toxic effect. I believe in natural therapies and treatments, but much of the homeopathic theory doesn't make scientific sense.