There’s only a comparative handful of places in the world where renewables would create anything approaching a viable return on investment.
Even then. The Energy and material that go into producing something like a Wind turbine. Will usually cost more in energy and environmental costs then the Turbine can produce in a lifetime of optimal efficiency and function.
Not to mention. The Blades as of yet aren’t recyclable with current tech.
There’s only a comparative handful of places in the world where renewables would create anything approaching a viable return on investment.
Even then. The Energy and material that go into producing something like a Wind turbine. Will usually cost more in energy and environmental costs then the Turbine can produce in a lifetime of optimal efficiency and function.
Not to mention. The Blades as of yet aren’t recyclable with current tech.
All good points.
The tree hugging loonies here in New England fight amongst themselves because:
🟢 Wind turbines are ugly and disrupt the scenery.
🟢 Wind Turbines kill thousands of birds.
🟢 Wind Turbines produce an audible "woosh" and hum sound.
🟢 Ocean based turbines are interfering with whale migration routes sometimes causing them to beach themselves.
🟢 Hundreds of acres of forest are being cut down for wind and solar farms.