Whistleblower: NHS ordered EUTHANASIA to Inflate COVID-19 Deaths in Hospitals
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Unfortunately it happens. And probably more than you or I know. Everyone needs to make out a living will that tells doctors and staff what to do in case you are in that situation. And make sure your family members know where it is. As a swallowing therapist I tried to find what foods and what consistencies of food and drink they could handle. Often times liquids can be thickened for patients to handle or food can be given in various textures all the way to purée. If the person were unsafe to eat or drink anything then it is up to family members (if patient is not lucid enough) to decide to have the patient tube fed which requires a visit to the hospital to install a feeding tube. Some family members refuse to even visit their loved ones and make decisions by phone. I had a woman who was terminally ill but very alert have her feeding tube pulled while in the hospital for something unrelated to her diagnosis. Her family members were notified by phone if they wanted to have the tube replaced. Without seeing her they opted not to replace her feeding tube. Then they sent her back to the nursing home. Nursing staff had the doctor write a script for me to do a feeding eval. They were trying to feed her but she was choking on everything they gave her. They want to give her fluids via her veins but she was too dehydrated. And her veins rolled away from the needles. This woman was wide awake and alert when I tested her. She closed her eyes knowing she had failed all my efforts. Her family knew she was terminal but felt it was best not to let her get anything including fluids. The nurses were crying daily bc they had to watch her die. It took seven days for her to finally succumb. It was horrible for all the staff and myself to watch The family never came and never saw the end results of their decision. After that I decided to change my own will to include being given fluids via IV if I am terminal or dying. Food can often cause issues in people who are dying but giving fluids allows them to die more comfortably IMHO.
Thank you.