From what I've seen is like the article you linked stated, the investigation was over money or manipulating donors for money. Now whether or not that's true who knows. I've seen a lot of people criticize Ballard on that he's not saving the children "the correct way" or at least a way that it will actually change anything. These are just comments on articles or youtube videos I've seen. The critics think him going in all rambo-like and guns blaring is the "hollywood" version people love to see and it doesn't attack the root cause of the trafficking. There are people who say that addressing poverty, jobs, investing in people, providing proper support, etc is how to fix the trafficking problem. And while I agree with those people and we should be doing this, I highly think we need people like Ballard to go in and get the children who are already stuck in this system. Should we just let children who are already being abused stay there because we're just working on the root cause now? NO. Everyone has their specialty in different areas of stopping trafficking and all are needed. Everyone is worth saving no matter where they are in the trafficking loop.
He save and rescue kids, his jobs are done, adoption and caring etc will have to be another organization and new adopt families … and even mental health etc…
Root cost? Just executed All pedos, groomers molesters, and traffickers … including porn sites
From what I've seen is like the article you linked stated, the investigation was over money or manipulating donors for money. Now whether or not that's true who knows. I've seen a lot of people criticize Ballard on that he's not saving the children "the correct way" or at least a way that it will actually change anything. These are just comments on articles or youtube videos I've seen. The critics think him going in all rambo-like and guns blaring is the "hollywood" version people love to see and it doesn't attack the root cause of the trafficking. There are people who say that addressing poverty, jobs, investing in people, providing proper support, etc is how to fix the trafficking problem. And while I agree with those people and we should be doing this, I highly think we need people like Ballard to go in and get the children who are already stuck in this system. Should we just let children who are already being abused stay there because we're just working on the root cause now? NO. Everyone has their specialty in different areas of stopping trafficking and all are needed. Everyone is worth saving no matter where they are in the trafficking loop.
He save and rescue kids, his jobs are done, adoption and caring etc will have to be another organization and new adopt families … and even mental health etc…
Root cost? Just executed All pedos, groomers molesters, and traffickers … including porn sites
Especially porn sites
Excellently stated.
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Yes thank you!