I find it, mine, boggling that there’s a group of people trying to denigrate another group of people who were actually trying to do the right thing regarding human trafficking.
Ballard and Caviezel have put their lives on the line for this project, and it’s not even out yet. And yet I see here several posts, trying to denigrate these two Patriots, and people who clearly care for those who’ve been traffic, and then they stupid posts.
It’s infuriating. The movies going to come out on July 5. Why don’t we give it a chance, and see what it’s about, instead of trying to snuff it out before it’s even screened.
But no… We’re gonna shoot her own selves in the foot, because we think we’re smarter than a person who’s been running an organization that’s fighting human trafficking for over 10 year- not to mention a man who suffered physically mentally and emotionally playing Jesus Christ in the passion of the Christ. Then he was blackballed in Hollywood, and now he’s doing this important project.
Has anybody stopped to think for a minute? Perhaps this number has been hijacked by the white hats, because anybody who’s been calling it before, it’s now going to receive answers to legitimate human trafficking hotline! Now, instead of getting chips on have to find children, they’re getting tips on how to save them. If someone is trying to covertly call into the Clinton foundation number, and asking questions, they shouldn’t be, well that would be a great way to track them down wouldn’t it?
But no… Let’s throw shade on the one project that’s going to open up the eyes of many normies. The movie comes out the weekend of July 4. Sound of freedom. Buy tickets and go see it. After that if you have a gripe, then come post it. But I think it’s disingenuous, and a very negative outlook on trying to just wait people from going to see this movie.
I find it, mine, boggling that there’s a group of people trying to denigrate another group of people who were actually trying to do the right thing regarding human trafficking.
Ballard and Caviezel have put their lives on the line for this project, and it’s not even out yet. And yet I see here several posts, trying to denigrate these two Patriots, and people who clearly care for those who’ve been traffic, and then they stupid posts.
It’s infuriating. The movies going to come out on July 5. Why don’t we give it a chance, and see what it’s about, instead of trying to snuff it out before it’s even screened.
But no… We’re gonna shoot her own selves in the foot, because we think we’re smarter than a person who’s been running an organization that’s fighting human trafficking for over 10 year- not to mention a man who suffered physically mentally and emotionally playing Jesus Christ in the passion of the Christ. Then he was blackballed in Hollywood, and now he’s doing this important project.
Has anybody stopped to think for a minute? Perhaps this number has been hijacked by the white hats, because anybody who’s been calling it before, it’s now going to receive answers to legitimate human trafficking hotline! Now, instead of getting chips on have to find children, they’re getting tips on how to save them. If someone is trying to covertly call into the Clinton foundation number, and asking questions, they shouldn’t be, well that would be a great way to track them down wouldn’t it?
But no… Let’s throw shade on the one project that’s going to open up the eyes of many normies. The movie comes out the weekend of July 4. Sound of freedom. Buy tickets and go see it. After that if you have a gripe, then come post it. But I think it’s disingenuous, and a very negative outlook on trying to just wait people from going to see this movie.
Are we not awake yet?
Suck Xi's dick a thousand times and get called a faggot! Hmph. Kek
This!! 🙌🏼