I had ingrained trauma from my birth (cesarean). For the longest time I always felt like I was going to “get ripped from my bed” and had to sleep with a nightlight and looking towards the door. Even into adulthood I had this feeling even though it had never happened. I read a book called Feelings Buried Alive Never Die and the author described how things from early childhood and even our births can affect us as we get older. As I looked back at my own birth, I realized my feelings were actually valid because I had truly been “ripped” from my first bed. Once I understood that, I instantly had the feeling lifted from my spirit. It was 5-6 years ago that I read that book and I now sleep in total darkness and can have my back to the door. It still trips me out to this day and as I approach my due date with my first child, I’m going to do everything in my power to give her a peaceful birth into this world.
I had ingrained trauma from my birth (cesarean). For the longest time I always felt like I was going to “get ripped from my bed” and had to sleep with a nightlight and looking towards the door. Even into adulthood I had this feeling even though it had never happened. I read a book called Feelings Buried Alive Never Die and the author described how things from early childhood and even our births can affect us as we get older. As I looked back at my own birth, I realized my feelings were actually valid because I had truly been “ripped” from my first bed. Once I understood that, I instantly had the feeling lifted from my spirit. It was 5-6 years ago that I read that book and I now sleep in total darkness and can have my back to the door. It still trips me out to this day and as I approach my due date with my first child, I’m going to do everything in my power to give her a peaceful birth into this world.
Thank you for the reminder about the Feelings Buried Alive Never Die! I have the app but have never read the book, and I've ordered it now.