You would have heard "imminent" if you were following "E". But that charlatan has finally vacated telegram. I think Assange will be free at the precipice and not too much before.
Washington Post has a 6/30 article saying that the pope met with Julian Assange's family and said he was concerned about Assange's suffering. I didn't read it because the Post blocks us until we subscribe or type in our email addresses.
I did read that Brazil may consider giving him asylum there.
Just found this BigMSB!
AND...check this DECODE out!
I love it! Now, if only had ...
a Judge Swift Execution!
I thought He was going to come back on a sub, sightsee the Titanic. Hmm
You would have heard "imminent" if you were following "E". But that charlatan has finally vacated telegram. I think Assange will be free at the precipice and not too much before.
Washington Post has a 6/30 article saying that the pope met with Julian Assange's family and said he was concerned about Assange's suffering. I didn't read it because the Post blocks us until we subscribe or type in our email addresses.