The pesty constitution keeps rearing its head. In their minds they full heartedly believe they are the rulers and we should not be able to use this pesty constitution to question their (g)od given authority.
It appears they are seeing (G)od is still with USA people and they are trying to circumvent the authority of the constitution at a higher stage.
By doing this it only will make more citizens of the USA criminals in the sight of this circumventing authority.
It is a very big thing going on and many fronts are waging this multidimensional war going on. They desperately need people to repent from good and bow to them in droves and lay down both the Armour of (G)od and the 2A.
Watch they will want to add something like we can only store 10 bullets and anything more is against some new amendment or policy they want to enforce within the USA.
The pesty constitution keeps rearing its head. In their minds they full heartedly believe they are the rulers and we should not be able to use this pesty constitution to question their (g)od given authority.
It appears they are seeing (G)od is still with USA people and they are trying to circumvent the authority of the constitution at a higher stage.
By doing this it only will make more citizens of the USA criminals in the sight of this circumventing authority.
It is a very big thing going on and many fronts are waging this multidimensional war going on. They desperately need people to repent from good and bow to them in droves and lay down both the Armour of (G)od and the 2A.
Watch they will want to add something like we can only store 10 bullets and anything more is against some new amendment or policy they want to enforce within the USA.