the hunter biden laptop (a virtual machine/disk image of it) was distributed to MANY so-called conservative/patriotic/alternative media types, so-called patriotic influencers WELL BEFORE the 2020 election, and they did nothing.
Evidence outlining the treasonous activities of Joe, Hunter and the Bidan clan, not to mention the literal CP that is on there, was given to many patriotic influencers and they DID NOTHING.
Because they are just grifting loser controlled oppo shills that are only in it for the money and power, and because having followers and fans and sponsors and the fleeting power of being an "influncer" got their jangly bits all tingly.
They did what they were told to do and that was tell the patriots to stay at home and "be comfy" and wait for gandalf to come in and save the day.
This is just as nefarious as "rapture theology" causing the entire Christian Church to put its collective head in the sand waiting to be delivered from this degenerate hellscape, shouting "the end is near, save me Jesus!" every time a new atrocity is rolled out.
Even though the conservative patriotic "right" is the clear majority, they see every crime against humanity as just another sign that the rapture is imminent.
Even though that has been "imminent" for generations now.
The question isn't why did these people not talk about the HB laptop before, or Hunter's burner phone, or any of it, the question is why are they talking about it now?
Because the marx-o-crats want to get rid of Joe.
Watch out, one possible plan is to cause such outrage at the current government that it collapses, and the "New" shiny government can be brought in to pick up the pieces and we will welcome the one-world communist technocracy with open arms, because our hatred of the old way will be so rabid.
it doesn't matter whether Biden is alive or not. A lot of evidence indicates he is completely incapacitated and at best makes brief appearances only when drugged up enough to repeat the lines. At worst it's an actor in a mask or - if you like - is actually an advanced "robot" in a rubber suit and is controlled remotely.
Doesn't matter.
"Joe" is POTUS and "Joe" has to be removed officially if not in reality.
The "rapture theology" was created by a Jesuit priest, Manuel Lacunza, larping as a Jew. His pseudonym was Juan Josafat Ben-Ezra.
The Spanish Inquisition banned Lacunza's book, The Coming of the Messiah in Majesty and Glory in 1819.
In September 1824, Pope Leo XII placed it on the Index of Prohibited Books.
These two actions ensured the book would attract the attention of the Protestants.
Edward Irving translated it from Spanish into English, and this is how John Nelson Darby learned about this alternate interpretation of the Book of Revelation.
Rather than the Roman Catholic Church being Mystery Babylon, and the Popes being a long string of antichrists, as the Protestants behind the Reformation interpreted it, there was now a new theory which is now referred to as Dispensationalism.
Darby's Dispensationalism spread far and wide in the early 1900s thanks to the Rockefeller controlled theological seminaries.
the hunter biden laptop (a virtual machine/disk image of it) was distributed to MANY so-called conservative/patriotic/alternative media types, so-called patriotic influencers WELL BEFORE the 2020 election, and they did nothing.
Evidence outlining the treasonous activities of Joe, Hunter and the Bidan clan, not to mention the literal CP that is on there, was given to many patriotic influencers and they DID NOTHING.
Because they are just grifting loser controlled oppo shills that are only in it for the money and power, and because having followers and fans and sponsors and the fleeting power of being an "influncer" got their jangly bits all tingly.
They did what they were told to do and that was tell the patriots to stay at home and "be comfy" and wait for gandalf to come in and save the day.
This is just as nefarious as "rapture theology" causing the entire Christian Church to put its collective head in the sand waiting to be delivered from this degenerate hellscape, shouting "the end is near, save me Jesus!" every time a new atrocity is rolled out.
Even though the conservative patriotic "right" is the clear majority, they see every crime against humanity as just another sign that the rapture is imminent.
Even though that has been "imminent" for generations now.
The question isn't why did these people not talk about the HB laptop before, or Hunter's burner phone, or any of it, the question is why are they talking about it now?
Because the marx-o-crats want to get rid of Joe.
Watch out, one possible plan is to cause such outrage at the current government that it collapses, and the "New" shiny government can be brought in to pick up the pieces and we will welcome the one-world communist technocracy with open arms, because our hatred of the old way will be so rabid.
hang on i thought Biden was an a White Hat actor in a mask?? So now the real Biden isn't dead in 2018 and this is the real one all along?
it doesn't matter whether Biden is alive or not. A lot of evidence indicates he is completely incapacitated and at best makes brief appearances only when drugged up enough to repeat the lines. At worst it's an actor in a mask or - if you like - is actually an advanced "robot" in a rubber suit and is controlled remotely.
Doesn't matter.
"Joe" is POTUS and "Joe" has to be removed officially if not in reality.
The "rapture theology" was created by a Jesuit priest, Manuel Lacunza, larping as a Jew. His pseudonym was Juan Josafat Ben-Ezra.
The Spanish Inquisition banned Lacunza's book, The Coming of the Messiah in Majesty and Glory in 1819.
In September 1824, Pope Leo XII placed it on the Index of Prohibited Books.
These two actions ensured the book would attract the attention of the Protestants.
Edward Irving translated it from Spanish into English, and this is how John Nelson Darby learned about this alternate interpretation of the Book of Revelation.
Rather than the Roman Catholic Church being Mystery Babylon, and the Popes being a long string of antichrists, as the Protestants behind the Reformation interpreted it, there was now a new theory which is now referred to as Dispensationalism.
Darby's Dispensationalism spread far and wide in the early 1900s thanks to the Rockefeller controlled theological seminaries.
along with the Scofield Bible, which has MAGNIFICENTLY made Christians put their blessing contingent upon them blessing Israel.