France Has Fallen: Migrant Mob Torch Mayor's Home, Wife and Kids Injured Escaping | The Gateway Pundit | by Richard Abelson | 12...
Migrant riots continued in France for the 5th day as a violent mob attacked the home of the mayor of a Paris suburb, forcing his wife and children to flee in terror.
They keep saying that the mob is migrants.
Is that true? If so... this is sort of good news, no? Because maybe dumbass administrations will finally be taken down/replaced by the traditionalists who will then bring it down hard and heavy on the migrants... ultimately sending them home if they're still alive.
I'm french and live in France. People doing this are urban and most of them are french. Probably at least 3/4 of them have parents or grand parent which are not french. This is not a migrant thing at all this is coming from a tiny portion of french youth wich is without hope for the future, uneducated or at least not enough, abandonned by familly and live from illegal business. This was forseen and there were so many warnings for decades, that is nothing new. Main issue appart from our govrnement is we as a people are divided and those kids are being played, they don't get who are the real ennemies. I fear that will only divide us more.
I'm sorry to hear this, because a problem that was made over decades will not be solved soon. Thanks for sharing, and I hope a miracle can occur and the generation you describe can finish blowing off their steam and discover what it means to live joyfully, productively, faithfully, etc. That would be a miracle, indeed. We need it here in the US, too.
Then they are not French.
They never assimilated.
I was in France decades ago and shocked by the number of Arabs even back then.
That's the term used -- if you needed to buy something and the stores were closed on Sunday, then you went "chez les arabes" whose shops were open.
This started a LONG time ago. It's just accelerated recently.
Ding, ding, ding! “They never assimilated!”
There’s a quite a few videos in the story of some people being arrested tho I’m not sure what their nationalities are.
Please send our migrants to Canada…
haha gov officials getting a taste of shitskins they so love.
Now do Macron next.