Dennis “the menace “ Kucinich, (label given by local media when he was on Cleveland City Council). Was mayor of Cleveland when they defaulted on their debt. Look into MUNY Light stories while he was in office. Elected to Congress. Was one of only two Democrats to vote FOR Clinton impeachment inquiry which got him in trouble with the DNC. He didn’t run for reelection after that. Ran for president twice, failing to win a single delegate. Was the butt of a great joke on The Simpsons in 2008. His wife is a hard core unapologetic communist.
Dennis “the menace “ Kucinich, (label given by local media when he was on Cleveland City Council). Was mayor of Cleveland when they defaulted on their debt. Look into MUNY Light stories while he was in office. Elected to Congress. Was one of only two Democrats to vote FOR Clinton impeachment inquiry which got him in trouble with the DNC. He didn’t run for reelection after that. Ran for president twice, failing to win a single delegate. Was the butt of a great joke on The Simpsons in 2008. His wife is a hard core unapologetic communist.