Devil's Rejects, Robocop films, Westworld, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Silence of the Lambs.... Just to name a few. In sure there are a plethora of other examples.
My point is that anon suggesting "that's why GotG3 character is this way... to inject narrative X" is moot. It's been done 100x before, just because some pedo produced garbage hit the theatres recently has absolutely zip zero nadda to do with supposed contents of supposed unseen snuff video.
Fuckin nicholas half-a-face cage in Face off. With that creepy ass scientologist fucker cant remember his name. The one with the retard kid he sacricificed for fame. Asshoe from Grease.
It's been done in several movies prior to GotG3.
Devil's Rejects, Robocop films, Westworld, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Silence of the Lambs.... Just to name a few. In sure there are a plethora of other examples.
True Detective season 1 it was described by Matthew McConaughey’s character as a method of torture used by drug cartels.
Excellent example.
My point is that anon suggesting "that's why GotG3 character is this way... to inject narrative X" is moot. It's been done 100x before, just because some pedo produced garbage hit the theatres recently has absolutely zip zero nadda to do with supposed contents of supposed unseen snuff video.
Fuckin nicholas half-a-face cage in Face off. With that creepy ass scientologist fucker cant remember his name. The one with the retard kid he sacricificed for fame. Asshoe from Grease.