Me, either...but someone down voted my "bless her heart" comment which wasn't sarcasm. I meant it. And, it doesn't hurt my feelings either. But anyone who downvotes a blessing seems cruel.
Joy, I've heard "Bless her heart" is a common way of sarcastically but politely stating "F you" (or some variation) to someone.
It is used mainly in the southern United States from what I understand. I'm from the north so I don't really get it other than to know to be on guard and know the words aren't always meant to be kind and loving, but rather a put-down.
It's what I thought you were originally stating with your "Bless her heart" until I saw the rest of the exchanges with Mary.
Yes , unfortunately some have taken the Bless her/his heart" phrase to use as sarcasm. That is indeed a shame because I'm from Texas and it is used quite sincerely here. I think the only time I've ever heard it used negatively was on TV. Thanks fren!
My goodness, this discussion has certainly grown very rude! And, what's the deal with all of the down votes and grammer correction?
We should be above this petty behavior and focus on the mission.
Take care Mary!
Me, either...but someone down voted my "bless her heart" comment which wasn't sarcasm. I meant it. And, it doesn't hurt my feelings either. But anyone who downvotes a blessing seems cruel.
Good...he's been on my mind and praying he's ok. Kinda worried because i nevr see him comment.
You are correct...all this hate ain't worth our trouble. Junt gonna pray for them cause they will never accend! 🙌
Joy, I've heard "Bless her heart" is a common way of sarcastically but politely stating "F you" (or some variation) to someone.
It is used mainly in the southern United States from what I understand. I'm from the north so I don't really get it other than to know to be on guard and know the words aren't always meant to be kind and loving, but rather a put-down.
It's what I thought you were originally stating with your "Bless her heart" until I saw the rest of the exchanges with Mary.
FYI. I did not downvote you. 🙂
Yes , unfortunately some have taken the Bless her/his heart" phrase to use as sarcasm. That is indeed a shame because I'm from Texas and it is used quite sincerely here. I think the only time I've ever heard it used negatively was on TV. Thanks fren!