I'm only tired of stupidity. "Almost complete replicas" means "different." It is called a family resemblance. Not identical. We reserve that for actual twins. Even fraternal twins are not identical.
I don't have to demonstrate anything. You are the one proposing this fantasy, so you get to be the one to prove it by providing evidence. Like, for example, a video of someone other than Biden being made up to look like him. That would be evidence. Everything else about this has been speculation and supposition, and reading things out of unclear photographs. I even look different in photographs, and I'm not doing anything to change. Biden is a perfect stooge and there would be no reason to replace him. You lack motive for such a plot.
I'm only tired of stupidity. "Almost complete replicas" means "different." It is called a family resemblance. Not identical. We reserve that for actual twins. Even fraternal twins are not identical.
I don't have to demonstrate anything. You are the one proposing this fantasy, so you get to be the one to prove it by providing evidence. Like, for example, a video of someone other than Biden being made up to look like him. That would be evidence. Everything else about this has been speculation and supposition, and reading things out of unclear photographs. I even look different in photographs, and I'm not doing anything to change. Biden is a perfect stooge and there would be no reason to replace him. You lack motive for such a plot.