Hey Tweety, it’s going. Had a good 4th of July, have taken a few days off doing any caretaking, which means Mom won’t be doing any holistic practices for a few days. Even though I know they’re helping, she won’t do anything unless I’m there telling her to or her doctor prescribes it. It weighs on you and I’m happy to be taking a step back for a bit.
Generally good...everything is just status quo...now that my hubby's testosterone is mostly gone he is tired...he was always busy...but also we are older so there is that...
My ill friend Sandy is out of the hospital/rehab after about 3+ weeks so I am back to taking her for appointments...I don't know how long she has...
Sometimes it is just a matter of hanging in there...please tell me your mom is done with chemo...you are good to do as much as you do but I know how exhausting that is...I know your mom has yoyo'd...is she improving at all or just stabilizing?
How is your garden? Hope you have fun with your precious time off...the summer is hot and humid...I am in GA...pretty steamy lately...so just try to make it to the fall...take care and have fun...
Is the hubby still taking fenben and the other protocols? Sounds like you’ve had a rough few weeks. Hope the Lord is giving you some needed strength!
My Mom wants to try chemo again next week even though it landed her in the hospital within 3 days of taking it last time. Her doctors still haven’t blamed the drugs as the root cause of why she ended up there. She’s stabilizing. Still needing blood transfusions. The doctor scared her off fenben because they said it can suppress bone marrow blood cell production. Trying to get her to focus on nutrition, supplements, vitamins, etc. but it’s an uphill battle. The indoctrination runs deep.
Saw a thread on here yesterday talking about combining ivermectin and Fenbendazole. Sounds like that could be a winning combo. Garden is going great! We’re getting so many herbs and vegetables it’s crazy. Didn’t realize how productive these can be.
I’m up in MI and it’s hot here too! Although I much prefer to our cold winters. Hope you’re surviving the heat!
Well...it has been a rough couple of weeks...you may have read my best friend Sandy that was vax injured passed away on Sunday and I will play the piano for her memorial service...the music is picked already because I played when her husband died of turbo cancer from the vax 1 1/2 years ago...and since I don't regularly play anymore you understand what a challenge it is to get your fingers back to gliding over the keys effortlessly....and I am out of practice...but I have until the 22nd...so I have a little time...please pray for that...
My husband has remained on the Tippens protocol (FBZ, curcumin, CBD oil)...which I am grateful for...I did read about combining IVM with FBZ a while ago and I told him I would like to do that but he doesn't want to take anything else...but I am still pretty confident with the current protocol...we will see...I personally am still taking 120mg. of melatonin a night and I take IVM 1-2 times a week...
We have a friend that is a pretty famous chiropractor from the Atlanta area (Atlas Orthogony) and they just found out hubby had cancer...they had worked extensively with Dr. Gonzales in NY before he was murdered by the establishment...he was successfully treating pancreatic cancer and part of his protocol was getting people into adjustment before treatment...which is how our friend was involved...so he wants Emil to try some of Dr. Gonzales' protocol such as coffee enemas...my husband is NOT one for new things...but we will see where this goes...
As to your book suggestion...I am ready to start us on an eating pattern that supports the gut health...some friends I connected with just yesterday after many years have been eating according to The Good Gut diet by Gerard Mullins and I am going to get started with that...he got off all his medications and they are losing weight...I have read some books and listened to videos on the gut biome...I just haven't taken the constructive steps to make that a focus...I do intermittent fasting and I exercise regularly and I generally feel great and don't suffer much from gut issues but my hubby has for most of his life and my 39 year old daughter has celiac...so my whole family really needs to change our eating habits because many have their dad's gut issues...I will check out your book too...
Needless to say, I am heartbroken that your mother wants to have more chemo...I am sure that you want to literally tear your hair out...after what I have been through with my friend Sandy and the WHOLE medical establishment I don't want to EVER go to a hospital or submit to any of their protocols..,EVER...I took her to all her appts. and you can only guess at the selling points for treatment...and just the total brainwashing that they were helping her...it is SO sad...but you know because you are living that also...I can't imagine what your mother is thinking...it feels so much like you are swimming upstream against the current...I pray that you continue what you need to do to stay in the game...it is so difficult...you do need a break every now and then....God bless you for your faithfulness...and your knowledge of true and helpful treatments...
Speaking of MI...my husband's family regularly went to Ludington MI to fish every summer...I have been also...I grew up in Whiting IN and we went to MI often to ski or fish or to the peninsula...so I am Northern raised and I have to say moving to GA was quite the change back in 1989 but this is now our home and personally I was getting tired of shoveling and having to dress 4 (at the time) kids in snow suits...I don't like summers here but the other seasons are glorious...I rarely ever wear a winter coat...actually we are flying into Midway at the end of the month to visit my husband's 92-year-old mom/other family/friends and to attend Pierogi Fest which is what Whiting is famous for...obviously our children's heritage is Polish//Croatian and Slovakian with some English/Irish thrown in...I loved growing up in the north...good solid people...we were a 20-minute drive to downtown Chicago...long ago a beautiful, fun city....
I am so glad to hear from you...we both continue as best we can...and I will continue to pray for you and your mother and family...such struggles we have...but I am sure you are doing everything you can to the best of your ability...and eating well in the process it sounds like...I pray God's richest blessing on you and your attempts to make your mom whole again... you are doing a GREAT job and I do learn things from you...thank you....
Good recommendation...how is it going?
Hey Tweety, it’s going. Had a good 4th of July, have taken a few days off doing any caretaking, which means Mom won’t be doing any holistic practices for a few days. Even though I know they’re helping, she won’t do anything unless I’m there telling her to or her doctor prescribes it. It weighs on you and I’m happy to be taking a step back for a bit.
How are you?
Generally good...everything is just status quo...now that my hubby's testosterone is mostly gone he is tired...he was always busy...but also we are older so there is that... My ill friend Sandy is out of the hospital/rehab after about 3+ weeks so I am back to taking her for appointments...I don't know how long she has...
Sometimes it is just a matter of hanging in there...please tell me your mom is done with chemo...you are good to do as much as you do but I know how exhausting that is...I know your mom has yoyo'd...is she improving at all or just stabilizing?
How is your garden? Hope you have fun with your precious time off...the summer is hot and humid...I am in GA...pretty steamy lately...so just try to make it to the fall...take care and have fun...
Is the hubby still taking fenben and the other protocols? Sounds like you’ve had a rough few weeks. Hope the Lord is giving you some needed strength!
My Mom wants to try chemo again next week even though it landed her in the hospital within 3 days of taking it last time. Her doctors still haven’t blamed the drugs as the root cause of why she ended up there. She’s stabilizing. Still needing blood transfusions. The doctor scared her off fenben because they said it can suppress bone marrow blood cell production. Trying to get her to focus on nutrition, supplements, vitamins, etc. but it’s an uphill battle. The indoctrination runs deep.
Saw a thread on here yesterday talking about combining ivermectin and Fenbendazole. Sounds like that could be a winning combo. Garden is going great! We’re getting so many herbs and vegetables it’s crazy. Didn’t realize how productive these can be.
I’m up in MI and it’s hot here too! Although I much prefer to our cold winters. Hope you’re surviving the heat!
Well...it has been a rough couple of weeks...you may have read my best friend Sandy that was vax injured passed away on Sunday and I will play the piano for her memorial service...the music is picked already because I played when her husband died of turbo cancer from the vax 1 1/2 years ago...and since I don't regularly play anymore you understand what a challenge it is to get your fingers back to gliding over the keys effortlessly....and I am out of practice...but I have until the 22nd...so I have a little time...please pray for that...
My husband has remained on the Tippens protocol (FBZ, curcumin, CBD oil)...which I am grateful for...I did read about combining IVM with FBZ a while ago and I told him I would like to do that but he doesn't want to take anything else...but I am still pretty confident with the current protocol...we will see...I personally am still taking 120mg. of melatonin a night and I take IVM 1-2 times a week...
We have a friend that is a pretty famous chiropractor from the Atlanta area (Atlas Orthogony) and they just found out hubby had cancer...they had worked extensively with Dr. Gonzales in NY before he was murdered by the establishment...he was successfully treating pancreatic cancer and part of his protocol was getting people into adjustment before treatment...which is how our friend was involved...so he wants Emil to try some of Dr. Gonzales' protocol such as coffee enemas...my husband is NOT one for new things...but we will see where this goes...
As to your book suggestion...I am ready to start us on an eating pattern that supports the gut health...some friends I connected with just yesterday after many years have been eating according to The Good Gut diet by Gerard Mullins and I am going to get started with that...he got off all his medications and they are losing weight...I have read some books and listened to videos on the gut biome...I just haven't taken the constructive steps to make that a focus...I do intermittent fasting and I exercise regularly and I generally feel great and don't suffer much from gut issues but my hubby has for most of his life and my 39 year old daughter has celiac...so my whole family really needs to change our eating habits because many have their dad's gut issues...I will check out your book too...
Needless to say, I am heartbroken that your mother wants to have more chemo...I am sure that you want to literally tear your hair out...after what I have been through with my friend Sandy and the WHOLE medical establishment I don't want to EVER go to a hospital or submit to any of their protocols..,EVER...I took her to all her appts. and you can only guess at the selling points for treatment...and just the total brainwashing that they were helping her...it is SO sad...but you know because you are living that also...I can't imagine what your mother is thinking...it feels so much like you are swimming upstream against the current...I pray that you continue what you need to do to stay in the game...it is so difficult...you do need a break every now and then....God bless you for your faithfulness...and your knowledge of true and helpful treatments...
Speaking of MI...my husband's family regularly went to Ludington MI to fish every summer...I have been also...I grew up in Whiting IN and we went to MI often to ski or fish or to the peninsula...so I am Northern raised and I have to say moving to GA was quite the change back in 1989 but this is now our home and personally I was getting tired of shoveling and having to dress 4 (at the time) kids in snow suits...I don't like summers here but the other seasons are glorious...I rarely ever wear a winter coat...actually we are flying into Midway at the end of the month to visit my husband's 92-year-old mom/other family/friends and to attend Pierogi Fest which is what Whiting is famous for...obviously our children's heritage is Polish//Croatian and Slovakian with some English/Irish thrown in...I loved growing up in the north...good solid people...we were a 20-minute drive to downtown Chicago...long ago a beautiful, fun city....
I am so glad to hear from you...we both continue as best we can...and I will continue to pray for you and your mother and family...such struggles we have...but I am sure you are doing everything you can to the best of your ability...and eating well in the process it sounds like...I pray God's richest blessing on you and your attempts to make your mom whole again... you are doing a GREAT job and I do learn things from you...thank you....