He's 79, tough old bugger, much loved and a good heart. Never got jabbed. He knew it was all bullshit.
He had a knee replacement surgery 8 months ago. I'm naturally suspicious that he may've been injected whilst under general anesthetic. Hopefully not...
His kidneys are struggling, that's how the cancer was discovered.
I'm looking for articles about Ivermectin fighting cancer. I know some were posted here and thought I saved them, but I hadn't. Big thanks in advance.
Has it spread to his kidneys? Just wondering.
My husband had prostate cancer before COVID. He is in his 70's. This is the leading cause of cancer in men right now and I believe a large percentage of men will be diagnosed with it. (I forget the odds). But of all the men (brothers/brother-in-laws) in our immediate sibling family he is the 3rd out of 6. 2 had prostate removed and 1 got the radiation seeds implanted. Only one had it spread beyond his prostate (one that had it removed) and still had to have some radiation treatments. His PSA is very low right now but should be 0 but he shouldn't be at risk for any cancer returning in his lifetime as he is in his late 70's now.
My husband decided to have his prostate removed, but his had not spread beyond his prostate. He had no pain at all from the surgery, but did experience some incontinence for awhile. He wore pads for that. At the time his options were, to either get it removed or do radiation treatments and from what we have heard a percentage of those that get the radioactive seeds end up having the cancer return and it is very aggressive form.
This was before I knew Ivermection or fenbenzadol might have helped him avoid the surgery.
I would suggest trying the Ivermectin and fenbenzadol, change his diet and see what happens. But don't wait too long for traditional treatment if these do not help him.