Vaccine injuries with young adults
🤔💭 Vaxx Discussion
(I’m an RN)
Tonight I feel overwhelmed by the amount of illness and anxiety among our 20 & 30 y/o!
Not all are blue haired, nose piercing liberals…(although many are!)
But what I don’t understand how the heck could these parents think it was ok not only to vaccinate them but twice! Holy moly…,
So tired of hearing about the great reset, it’s absurd, it’s evil and fxxxxing exhausting! Damn…
Uh huh and so how is said mom being financially supported? Let me know what street corner she’s on so I can drop a dollar.
Also, tell me how many vaccines you’ve allowed the government dictate you get in your life without so much as a whimper. Silly faggot
She got another job.
So she had no debt to worry about and a very transferable job situation. My transferable job is to fly for the airlines since I would need to maintain a like amount of salary. Transferring to the airlines 1) takes a lot of time 2) is not guaranteed 3) at the time required vaccination.
With my debts and quality of life for my children at stake, I had no option. This is why it was a bad situation and completely unconstitutional. Being one a a very few outspoken officers in the military at the time, I considered it my duty (not courageous) to speak out.
Now please answer the question…. How many vaccines have you received without question in your life? How many vaccines did your “courageous” parent shoot into her children without question so they could attend daycare? Stop being retarded and try and understand that some of us had no choice but sacrifice ourselves for our families. Again, this is the exact reason it was such a bad situation. If we had a choice, it would not have been a bad situation.
Lots of debt, even a paying her masters degree off, a mortgage.
Her life and her children lives changed drastically, many sacrifices were made. Tons of stress and worry. She stood by her beliefs and has no regrets now. No that she didn't have doubts during. She hates the job she has now, but it pays her way.
You insinuating she turned to the streets to be a whore and you'd stop by for a dollar. Fuck you & that makes you asshole
And yes, not that's it any your business all other vaccines were taken and given to the kids, just not this one, that's not a vaccine... it's an experimental gene therapy drug.
Stop being a faggot. You came at me with your first comment you fuck stick. Could have just moved on but nooooo, you want to fuck around like a god damned noob. I’ve had plenty of tards on here say the same shit like that to me like I’m the god damn enemy for having received the jab. You and the prostitute can go screw a goose (I was insinuating she was homeless btw, you likened her to a whore). Get off your high horse retard. We are on the same god damned team and I believe the same shit about the jab. People like her made a sacrifice, and so did I. It’s not courageous, it was my duty. It’s not a god damned competition like so many of you try and make it out to be. You had the benefit of not having to make the hard decision.