At no point since the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945, has humanity been closer to the unthinkable.
All the safeguards of the Cold War era, which categorized the nuclear bomb as “a weapon of last resort”, have been scrapped.
It should be understood, that there are powerful financial interests behind the Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) which are tied into America’s $1.3 trillion nuclear weapons program initiated under President Obama.
Although the Ukraine conflict has so-far been limited to conventional weapons coupled with “economic warfare”, the use of a large array of sophisticated WMDs including nuclear weapons is on the drawing board of the Pentagon.
Dangerous narrative: The NPR proposes “increased integration of conventional and nuclear planning”, which consists in categorizing tactical nuclear weapons (e.g. B61-11 and 12) as conventional weapons, to be used on a preemptive basis in the conventional war theater (as a means of self defense)
According to the Federation of American Scientists, the total number of nuclear warheads Worldwide is of the order of 13,000. Russia and the United States “each have around 4,000 warheads in their military stockpiles”.
Under Joe Biden, public funds allocated to nuclear weapons are slated to increase to 2 trillion by 2030 allegedly as a means to safeguarding peace and national security at taxpayers expense.
Biden does not have the foggiest idea regarding the potential impacts of nuclear weapons.
On the one hand, there were hundreds of not thousands of nuke tests over a few decades and we didn't see this accumulated sun-blocking smoke.
But you could argue those tests weren't over populated areas.
But there were city-level firestorms in both Germany and Japan in WWII, and we also didn't see these results.
I guess it would depend on how many devices were set off, where, and at what altitude. If largely military targets then probably less smoke than over cities.
Honestly, I would suspect Russia would concentrate on military targets, but I don't trust Biden/Nuland to be so conscientious.
The nuke myth. I like it. It helps to keep people in fear.
What’s the myth? That nukes exist at all or that they would destroy everything?
Fear porn dooming or a real potential?
At no point since the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945, has humanity been closer to the unthinkable.
All the safeguards of the Cold War era, which categorized the nuclear bomb as “a weapon of last resort”, have been scrapped.
It should be understood, that there are powerful financial interests behind the Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) which are tied into America’s $1.3 trillion nuclear weapons program initiated under President Obama.
Although the Ukraine conflict has so-far been limited to conventional weapons coupled with “economic warfare”, the use of a large array of sophisticated WMDs including nuclear weapons is on the drawing board of the Pentagon.
Dangerous narrative: The NPR proposes “increased integration of conventional and nuclear planning”, which consists in categorizing tactical nuclear weapons (e.g. B61-11 and 12) as conventional weapons, to be used on a preemptive basis in the conventional war theater (as a means of self defense)
According to the Federation of American Scientists, the total number of nuclear warheads Worldwide is of the order of 13,000. Russia and the United States “each have around 4,000 warheads in their military stockpiles”.
Under Joe Biden, public funds allocated to nuclear weapons are slated to increase to 2 trillion by 2030 allegedly as a means to safeguarding peace and national security at taxpayers expense.
Biden does not have the foggiest idea regarding the potential impacts of nuclear weapons.
Michel Chossudovsky, July 10, 2023
I don't know if this is realistic or not.
On the one hand, there were hundreds of not thousands of nuke tests over a few decades and we didn't see this accumulated sun-blocking smoke.
But you could argue those tests weren't over populated areas.
But there were city-level firestorms in both Germany and Japan in WWII, and we also didn't see these results.
I guess it would depend on how many devices were set off, where, and at what altitude. If largely military targets then probably less smoke than over cities.
Honestly, I would suspect Russia would concentrate on military targets, but I don't trust Biden/Nuland to be so conscientious.
Such a measured response. Makes me wonder if you are a person with inside knowledge of the working of the nuclear industry. Thanks for your posting.
Imagine being in the international space station and watching your ride home get nuked on Earth. How long can they go without being resupplied?