Revenge is a fundamental component of justice and most people do not feel a sense of justice unless some measure of revenge has been enacted. Revenge can be as simple as punishment and there is this thing about how the punishment should for the crime, well I agree, it should.
As far as I'm concerned, there should be rehab for people who committed non-violent "crimes of necessity" or who need addiction counseling or mental help and public square stockades with rotten fruit for passer-by to throw. But then for the other stuff this should happen:
- the criminal should be tied post in a room
- the room should be stocked with melee weapons in case the family wants them
- the family should be allowed into the room
- what happens in the room stays in the room an no one is guilty
Also, if undeniable proof is acquired of a crime like that, then it should be legal for the family member to get revenge provided they can prove they were justified after the fact.
One Fundamental problem with legal systems based on the adversarial system (The English system used in Countries that were former colonies of Britain ie US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand ect) is the assumption that people will tell the truth when they have sworn to on the Bible.
The accused person can lie, witnesses can lie.
It is possible that using a functional MRI to scan brain activity to ascertain if a subject is being truthful could result in a more accurate outcome.
This use of the MRI would be an additional investigative tool used when sufficient evidence has indicated the subject is implicated in involvement in the crime under investigation.
This may appear to be dystopian nightmare,but if managed correctly could remove the subjectivness that often results in an innocent person being convicted and a complete psychopath being acquitted.
Psychopath's are the very best liars.
Too true, best actors too, they spend their whole life learning to fake emotions they don't have to blend in.
Silver tongued snakes